Discovering Desk Math
I’ve turned a corner with my math instruction. The way I taught my kids Math my first year of teaching was radically different than me teaching a Math class now. We weren’t making number bonds and subitizing back then. It was really kinda simple. I opened with a problem, we used manipulatives to solve it, […]

Pete the Cat for Back to School
If you lined up some of the best read alouds (see list here) for back to school, I would seriously love all of them and I’d vote for them again and again. But, I would choose Pete the Cat hands down for that very first day back. WHY? Cause he’s all kinds of reliable. I […]

A Wee Bit of Fun
Special days kind of sneak up on me. I see them coming about a week before and I tell myself – Don’t forget to wear red for Valentine’s Day. Fast forward, I get to school on Valentine’s Day, see red all around me and then remember that I forgot all about it when I was […]

A Polar Bear Freebie
Winter – the season where you just need to buy a tuque and embrace it. As cold as it is and as hard as it is for me to love Winter, there are some things I truly do like about it. For starters, you can hibernate and not have to make any excuses about it. […]