A Year of Awesome – Poppies, Bears and a Sparkling Read to Self
Hi there, hope your November is rolling right along and if you are celebrating American Thanksgiving, it’ll be here before you know it. If I forget to tell you, enjoy your break. I need a little American Thanksgiving right about now.
I’m linking up this week with my friend Erin at Mrs. Beattie’s Classroom for
I’m linking up this week with my friend Erin at Mrs. Beattie’s Classroom for
We spent a lot of time on Monday making our poppies for Remembrance Day. This takes a little bit of red tissue paper, a little bit of green tissue paper, some liquid glue, a popsicle stick, concentration and perseverance. My kids did a beautiful job.
Then, in keeping with the poppy theme, we had our Remembrance Day ceremony on Tuesday. We had talked at length about the Veterans in the weeks leading up to this, and my kids were so happy to see “real” Veterans.
It has started to get colder out and that of course makes me think about Winter, which makes me think about hibernation, not for the animals exactly, but more for myself. Hibernation = Winter Survival. Anyway, all this leads me to think about this sweet story, which we started to work on.
I Love this story so much. The characters are the sweetest ever and year after year, kids respond so well to it. We started by voting for our favourite character and then drawing it.
May I just say that by Thursday, I needed a nap. I fell asleep on the couch after school for like 2 hours. Talk to me Teddy. As always, I had my faithful nap buddy by my side.
We ended our week with an amazing, awesome Read to Self. It was the first time this year that my kids were totally on task and everyone stayed in their reading bubble for a whooping 15 minutes!!! I am so happy about this. We have worked so hard to get to get to this point and it was a great feeling to see it work so well today.
That’s it for my week of awesome! If you like those Read to Self posters, just click on them for the free download. Hope you link up with Mrs.Beattie’s class so I can read all about your awesome week.
November 16, 2014 @ 1:49 am
What a wonderful week! Great memories for you kiddos and you!
November 16, 2014 @ 4:09 pm
Your poppies are so sweet and I LOVE the idea of a reading bubble! I also fully support your idea of hibernation… I think you and I would get along really well in person! 😉 Thanks so much for linking up!
Mrs. Beattie's Classroom