I Confess…Please Forgive Me
Please forgive me, but here a few (not so little) things I do that I probably shouldn’t. I’m linking up with my friend Jennifer from Rowdy in First Grade. 1. I deleted the Count to 100 page that’s part of my Smart Board Calendar cause I had seriously had enough of it. Plus, every time […]

All the Way Back to Earth Day, Some Dinosaurs and A See You Later 1st Grader!
What have we been up to? Lots! I have to go all the way back to Earth Day to show you my great little workers and what they’ve done. And now we’re onto the Dinosaurs! Love them, they are my favourite thing to teach. We started with this famous guy. Sorry for the glare. They […]

Earth Day Freebie
Earth Day is a big deal at my school. Each class does something to show that they care about the Earth and we celebrate with an Assembly where everyone presents their ideas about what they’ve done. My kids came up with their own idea of what to do this year to show they care. It […]

Wordless Wednesday: A Recycled Robot
I love Wednesdays! I’m linking up again with Christina at Second Grade Sugar and Spice. This little cutie happens to be in 3rd grade now, but she used to be mine and I still can’t make it through a day without a visit from her. She made this robot with some help from her Mom […]