Easy Easter Craft? I Got”Chick” Covered!
Are the weeks just flying by for you right now? Me too! And since most of us will be celebrating Easter this weekend, I thought I would share with you a really easy Easter craft. This idea actually came from a student. She saw it on Pinterest and it is irresistibly cute. And most importantly […]

Wordless Wednesday:Finding Time to Organize
So, I’m linking up with my friend Christina at Second Grade Sugar and Spice today for her Wordless Wednesday Linky. Without another word, here it is… Need I say more? This is one of my drawers. Finally fixed it and I feel so much better. Is there something in your classroom that you’ve been wanting […]

The Bear Wants More…Can You Blame Him?
My kids go nuts for these Bear books!! It starts in the Fall with Bear Snores On, then Christmas with Bear Stays Up and now Spring and Bear Wants More. I have to admit I love the stories too. They are so sweet and charming and my kids love to talk about the characters and […]

Happy St. Paddy’s Day and Some Really Good Stuff
Happy St. Patrick’s Day! I’ve been a bad blogger. Where do I begin? I’ll go back as far as the 100th Day of School, which we celebrated in February. Got these cute 100th day hats at Really Good Stuff. They have awesome stuff there, guess that’s why it’s called Really Good Stuff right? We, of […]