Pumpkin Math Freebie and Some Halloween Read Alouds
I’m officially in the Halloween swing of things and there are so many great books for this time of year, I thought I would share a few of my favourites with you. They are all great reads and year after year, no matter the group I have, they always love them. There are links for […]

An October Giveaway
I LOVE October! It’s my favourite month:) I am already looking forward to Halloween, are you? And because I like Halloween so much, it’s never to early to get ready for it. So… I am having a Giveaway, just cause it’s October. Here’s what you can win. These awesome picture books! Plus… a TPT gift […]

My New Laminator and a Great Fall Story…
So… I got this awesome Fellowes laminator from a company called My Binding. And using it is loads of fun. I’m addicted! During the first week of school, I had my kids draw pictures of themselves on a small piece of card stock and then, I laminated them. Once they were done, I just attached […]

Rainbow Names, Favourite Colours and a Fall Pack Giveaway!
Can you believe it’s almost Fall? September has been a blur so far for me, so Fall has just sort of snuck up on me. My kids are finally starting to get into the groove of my routine and it’s a great feeling. In the meantime, we made our portraits and rainbow names from Deanna’s […]