Booking Across Canada with Please Louise
Hi there! I’m linking up with Reading with Miss D for the Booking Across Canada Party. Basically, I am supposed to share a book that is representative of my province. Quebec, BTW:) So, here it is…BUT, it is more of an author who represents my province. Her name is Marie Louise Gay and these are […]

Your i-pad or mine?
So, we’ve been working with the i-pads in my class and it has been great! Every kid in my class has an i-pad for 2 weeks. I started this little adventure about a week ago and on the first day, opened with my i-pad rules. I only have 3 basic ones, but they must be […]

Five for Friday
Whew! What a whirlwind week we had. I am linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for some Five for Friday fun. For starters, it was our annual Spring Show at my school. I did a Pete the Cat number with my kids and I am waiting on the video, so that I can show you […]

Dino Fun Continued…
Last time, I promise. This is the last time I will tell you about my Dinosaur stuff, but honestly I am just so proud of my kids. So this is the report part of this project. Once my kids chose a Dinosaur, they had to write a report on it. I gave them a step […]