The Name of the Tree
I want to share a heartwarming story with you. It’s about a little boy in 2nd grade who was just recently diagnosed with cancer. His name is Taten. My friend Jennifer at Runde’s Room is having a sale today in her TPT store and she will be donating all the money to Taten’s family. Jennifer […]

The Schemasaurus and Other Scary Dinosaurs
We started our Dinosaur Unit this week. It’s probably my favourite unit. I LOVE watching my kids get interested in it. So, we kicked it all off with activating our schema, something I learned about from Debbie Miller and then got to see in action on Mrs. Jump’s Class blog. I gave it a bit […]

Measure Me and an Earth Day Freebie!
I’ve been heavy into Measurement in my class. We’ve been measuring everything, including each other. My kids look a little terrified in each picture, like – NO, don’t hurt me! But, they had fun, the pics don’t do it justice. I love to teach measurement, there are no limits in a unit like that, you […]

Thankful on Thursday and a Spring Math Freebie
Just dropping in quickly to tell you that I am Thankful on Thursday – a linky with Tara from and they all fall down. May I just say that I am so thankful that I and I alone saw the skunk on the trail today when I was walking my dog and she DIDN’T see […]