Leprechaun on the Loose
I can’t help myself, I just had to do the sneaky leprechaun thing and my kids are buying into it hook, line and sinker. The first day that I tried it, another teacher did it for me while we were in the library, so right away, my kids realized that I had absolutely nothing to […]

Some Solid Math Work and a St. Pat’s Freebie
It was Spring Break for me last week and so this week I am back at school and decided to mix up my Math class a bit and do some shape work with my kids. Actually, the proper word is solids, at least according to the Math program I use. I needed the solids on […]

Pink Shirt Day and Currently
It was Pink Shirt Day this past Wednesday. This is quickly becoming my favourite day at this time of year, mostly because of the message that it sends to everyone. In case you haven’t heard of it, Pink Shirt Day started 6 years ago at a school in the great province of Nova Scotia (Canada’s […]

Snow Tubes and a St. Patrick’s Day Mini Writing Unit
In case you don’t remember all of the times I have complained about how much snow there is where I live, I will now remind you. But, this time, I wanna show you how much fun all that snow can be. There is so much of it, where I live, that we just made our […]