100 Days Finally!
100 days has come and gone and I tried to make it memorable, with a little help from my friends. I found this great idea from Julie at First Grade Critter Cafe – Mystery bags! We put 100 things in our brown paper bags (well actually that part was done at home) and then we […]

Non Fiction Freebie and Valentine Writing
We are almost finished our Penguin unit and I have to say I am kinda done with penguins for this year. I love them and all, but I am ready to move on to Valentine’s Day and then, next week – the 100th Day! In the midst of all that furry penguin goodness, I discovered […]

Currently and a Valentine Word Search
Today was an absolute frenzy of a day. You know those days when you have so much to do that you can’t even make a list cause you don’t have the time to stop and think and write one. So, yeah, that was me today and as I’m going along doing everything that needs to […]

Groundhog Day and a Reading Strategies Pack
Hi there. I get so wrapped up in what I am doing this time of year that I really have to remember to fit the little groundhog in. Right now, we are in the middle of a Penguin unit, moving from Penguin fiction to non fiction, I can’t seem to stop and honour the groundhog […]