Back to School and a Freezin Fact Family Freebie
I went back to school today, well actually yesterday, but it doesn’t really count cause yesterday I was still a free agent. I could come and go as I please, eat whenever I felt like it, go wherever I wanted to go in my school, visit who I wanted to visit. It was kinda like […]

I Have Who Has? Frosty Freebie
I’m still on vacation and really liking it. I just keep eating and it’s great cause I think of all the times when I’m at school and I have to grab something on the fly you know? Chew it while I’m walking down the hall to go deal with something. But right now, I’ve got […]

2013! Where has the time gone?! Seriously my daughter was born 20 years ago this October and I remember it like it was yesterday. People tell me often that I have a memory like an elephant, but who doesn’t remember when their child was born as if it were yesterday? Everyone, I’m sure. Onto the […]

New Year’s Linky
Well, the countdown is on. Is it terrible that I am looking forward to Ryan Seacrest’s cutiepie face?! Cause I am. I am linking up with Jen from The Teacher’s Cauldron for her New Year’s Linky Party Basically, you need to make just 2 resolutions, one personal and one blogging. So, here they are.. For […]