It’s My Birthday and I’ll Cry If I Want To
It’s my birthday tomorrow. Back in my younger days, age never bothered me. I remember my best friend and I were both turning 24, within 2 weeks of each other, and we would always say – Oh, 16 years to 40!! And we would laugh hysterically, knowing that milestone was so far off. Let me […]

Christmas Writing Pack and Cyber Monday Sale
I just finished a Christmas Writing Pack. Like honestly, minutes ago. I really wanted to make a packet with a Christmas story in it, but there are so many rules now about copyright, that I was afraid if I used one of my favourite Christmas stories in my packet, I might break a copyright rule. […]

Oh The Places You Can Read
The Daily 5 has been in full swing in my class for a while now. I won’t tell you how many minutes we’re up to yet cause I’m a little behind where I should be. I have noticed something about my little read to selfers though. They love to read in nooks and crannies around my […]

Going Owling
So, I’ve been owling with my class. Owllow me to explain. I started a mini owl unit cause I love owls. We read this book, one of my absolute favourites, it has so much to offer. I hardly ever read a book without stopping to notice things and we stopped often for this one. The […]