My Favourite Time and a Pete the Cat Giveaway
Just wanted to share with you one of my favourite times of day in my class. It happens early in the morning, right after we have done the calendar, during our morning work. I keep the work in a binder and we actually do it on the carpet up front. I love this time of […]

Sunday Shout Outs
Happy Sunday everyone! I am shouting out this Sunday to tell you about 5 of my blogging friends who have amazing products in their stores that I just had to share. First is Valerie from All Students Can SHINE. She has a fabulous Thanksgiving pack that was inspired by her very popular short vowel pack, […]

Word Problems
I’m big on word problems, so much so that I created a pack of problems for my kids. We do a problem each and every day, week in, week out all year long. It started off, a few years back, as a way for me to help my kids with the kind of assessment we […]

November Currently and Remembrance Day
Farley inspires us all every month with her Currently and here is mine My desk at school is so messy, I can’t stand it anymore. I am actually going to work early tomorrow to clean it up. I started to think about how often my desk looks this bad and I realized – it’s often. […]