Pete the Cat Activity…again
I am in love with this cat! He is so popular with my kids. They are humming I love my red shoes, I love my red shoes…under their breath when they are working. He has just been the best influence on them. Partly my fault cause when they do something they aren’t supposed to, I […]

Great Giveaways
Hi there – just wanted to tell you about a Giveaway that my friend Lori is having and that I am actually hoping to win, but if you enter, I also hope you win! She is giving away her sight word games, there are 4 in all and they look amazing. You can click on […]

Halloween Math Centers Freebie
Happy Sunday everyone! It has started to get a little bit colder, where I live. I like it hotter, but what’s a girl to do? Move, I guess. The slightly colder weather has made me start thinking about Halloween and when I start thinking about Halloween, it makes me want to create a Unit to […]

Freebie Friday Pete the Cat
Today is a teacher workday for me, so I didn’t have to wake up as early and it gave me time to post a freebie for Friday, which I haven’t been able to do since school started. I think we are all pretty much in the same boat time wise, we have hardly any right […]