Newbie Bloggers Blog Hop
Hope you are all having great Saturday! And that it’s sunny wherever you are 🙂 I am linking up with Janis at Grade Three is the Place for Me. This is a linky for new bloggers, what a great idea! So, here are the questions and answers What State do you live in? I […]
Freebie Friday…First Day Back Pack
Happy Freebie Friday! If you’re anything like me, you start school with the idea that you’re just going to plunge right in from the first day. You know, I’m gonna do this, then read this story, see how the kids respond, move on to some Math work, and so on. But, at least for me, […]

Picture Book Linky Party
Good Monday morning to you. So, I am linking up with Lindsey -The Teacher Wife for a picture book sharing. I am addicted to picture books, spend hours looking for just the right one. I am convinced that we do such a fantastic job with a read aloud when we are in love with the […]

Subtracting Freebie…knowing the Difference
In the province where I live (Quebec) we have, for every grade level, Competencies. They would be very similar, I would think, to what I read and often see on other people’s blog posts – the common core, except for Texas where I think you call it TEKS? if I’m not mistaken. So, a child […]