Easy Easter Craft? I Got”Chick” Covered!
Are the weeks just flying by for you right now? Me too! And since most of us will be celebrating Easter this weekend, I thought I would share with you a really easy Easter craft. This idea actually came from a student. She saw it on Pinterest and it is irresistibly cute. And most importantly – EASY.
Here it is…
Here it is…
Isn’t that cute? All you need is a large oval for the body of the chick, we just used a tracer (made from cereal box cardboard). Your kids just trace it onto yellow construction paper, then cut it out. For the wings, have your kids trace their hands and cut out. The legs are orange construction paper strips folded over fan style, the nose is a double triangle. And the bigger the eyes, the cuter the chick. I hope you’ll give it a try. I’d love to hear from you if you do!!
Have a great week.
April 15, 2014 @ 11:24 pm
This is SUPER cute! My class will be all over it! Thanks for sharing
Rowdy in First Grade
April 16, 2014 @ 12:47 am
Too cute! We will have to give it a try!
Mrs.Christy’s Leaping Loopers
April 16, 2014 @ 11:50 am
Leslie! This is adorable! We are on Spring Break this week but I am going to sneak these in when we get back. Too cute! Thanks for sharing!