Five for Friday
Whew! What a whirlwind week we had. I am linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for some Five for Friday fun.
For starters, it was our annual Spring Show at my school. I did a Pete the Cat number with my kids and I am waiting on the video, so that I can show you and you’ll be impressed (I Hope) but….
1. I do have a pic of the other little number that I did with my Grade 1 girls, it was a ballet to the music The House at Pooh Corner, they were so cute!
2. And since I am now on a cute run, here is another cutie!! She finally had her appointment at the groomers and it was long overdue, she was beyond dirty. There was this grey stain on her neck from her collar, it was driving me nuts, I just wanted to see her white fur again. She’s back to white now.
3. Meanwhile, in my class we have been hard at work on the 2nd half of our Baseball Math Centers, I had to split them up, couldn’t do them all at once. My kids loved the baseball theme:)
4. My sweet daughter, Kailee started her summer job at the RCMP stables in Ottawa. Here is a pic, she is the one in the middle. I would LOVE to have her job and be around the horses all the time. And she is great at it too. I am so proud of her.
5. And finally I am off for the next four days (if you count today) it’s like a mini vacay. In Canada, we celebrate the Queen’s Birthday on Monday. Yippee!! LOVE the Queen! And I’m working on this.
Should be ready soon. Have a great weekend, Queen or no Queen.
May 18, 2013 @ 3:23 am
Ooooh how lucky you have some extra time off! How fun that you join the fun of the Talent Show! I'm sure the kids love that!
Lucky to Be in First
May 18, 2013 @ 8:46 pm
Thanks Molly:) My kids love to show off their talent!
May 18, 2013 @ 12:34 pm
Aaahhhh, so sweet !!! The ballet girls, fluffy puppy, Kailee with the horses, great pics !!! Long live our gracious queen ( remember singing that in grade school) we are camping this weekend, yup, sitting sipping my tea in the great outdoors ! Ok, I am sitting in our aero lite, with Rosie beside me and my I pad, a girl needs her comforts ;). Have a great long weekend !!
May 18, 2013 @ 8:49 pm
Wow girlfriend, you are totally roughing it this weekend. Is Rosie refusing to get dirty? Ha Ha:) I sure do remember singing that song, still know it and still thankful for that May long weekend!!
May 22, 2013 @ 2:48 am
Hi Sweetie Pie! Your daughter is lovely! Things have been crazy around school as we wind down the year. Hey, you know you should put a "follow by email" widget on your blog. I don't want to miss out if I get swamped at school. Just a thought. :o)