The Number Line, When All Else Fails… and an Easter Freebie
I struggled in school. Deep down, it was the reason I became a teacher. If we ever had to write a story or spell or use our imagination in some way, I was good to go. Anything mathematical though, terrified me. The numbers played tricks on me. I could never think of them abstractly or […]

St. Paddy’s Day and a Wee Freebie
Happy St. Paddy’s Day! Well almost. I just checked the date of my last blog post. Twas a while ago. Please forgive me, I know not what I do. I love St. Patrick’s Day! I spend the whole day saying – Top of the Morning to ya, I wear green, I think about Ireland, and […]

A Thanksgiving Freebie
Hi again I am linking up this week with Teaching Blog Addict for their Freebie Friday. Since it’s getting closer to Thanksgiving, I thought I’d share and re-share (if you already have it) a Math and Literacy freebie with a Turkey theme. It’s a great skills review and so fun to do. Just click on […]

Pete the Cat Rocks It Back to School
I have a stash of books that I use for the first week of school. I love them cause they are fail safe and of all the times in the year, this is the week I need things to go super smoothly. One of my absolute faves is this one. I love it for so […]