Teacher Made Stuff – Reading Passages
I am constantly making stuff for my class. All school year long, all summer long, all the time. Most often, it comes from a void that I see and need to fill. At the beginning of the last school year, I got THE group. You know, the class that just does what you ask, and […]

Measure a Kindergartener and a Place Value Freebie
Hi There We’ve been learning about measurement in my class. It’s probably one of my favourite Math units. It’s so fun! Once we made the switch from non standard to standard units and my kids all knew what a centimetre was, we were measuring everything we could get our hands on. It makes it so […]

Polar Bear Writing and a Shapes Freebie
Just before I give you an update on what’s being going on in my classroom, I just want to tell you how cold it has been here. It is sooooo cold that even my little fur ball of a dog will only stand on the deck for a few seconds before begging to come in. […]

Pete the ShowStopper Cat
School started for me about a week or so ago. I have been in a First grade haze since then. I love them, they are incredibly cute, but oh my, I am wiped! I sound like a broken record all day long. Get your laces tied…quick like a bunny…good job…Is your name on it?…Well, where […]