Back to School, Some Freebies and a Little Pete the Cat
Well Back to School is fast approaching and I’m dreading getting ready for it. To get ready, I have been staying up extra late and sleeping in even later. Not sure how this is gonna help me in the long run, but I am really enjoying it right now. I am also trying not to worry […]

Yay for Canada Day and a Sale!
Hi There! On July 1st, we celebrate Canada Day. I am linking up with some great Canadian Teacher bloggers to show you all the great Canadian resources that are out there. Remembrance Day is very special to me. So every November, we spend a lot of time learning about this day in History and I […]

Earth Day Freebie
Earth Day is a big deal at my school. Each class does something to show that they care about the Earth and we celebrate with an Assembly where everyone presents their ideas about what they’ve done. My kids came up with their own idea of what to do this year to show they care. It […]

Count On and a V Day Freebie
I am in the middle of testing my kids in Math. And I have tried hard to prepare them for this. They have to be expert counters. They have to be able to imagine that everyone in their class (including the teacher) is having hot chocolate and each person needs 3 marshmallows in their cup. […]