A Halloween Freebie
2 more days until Halloween. Just wondering if you have given any thought as to what Friday will be like? I have thought about this. A lot. And I realized that I have essentially 2 choices. 1. Ignore the fact that the kids will be completely wired and keep them so busy all day that […]

Pumpkin Math Freebie and Some Halloween Read Alouds
I’m officially in the Halloween swing of things and there are so many great books for this time of year, I thought I would share a few of my favourites with you. They are all great reads and year after year, no matter the group I have, they always love them. There are links for […]

Pete the Cat Patterns and a Math Freebie
Can you say TIRED! Grade One – 2 weeks down, 38 to go! The kids are winning. I want some of their energy. I know it will get better. But for right now, it is brutal. Thank goodness for Pete the Cat. My kids will do anything related to him. And they don’t just do […]

Long Love Pete the Cat and a Freebie!
Well, I gotta tell ya – my love affair with Pete the Cat goes way back. It has been a year since I first discovered him and in all that time, I can safely say, he does not disappoint. I’ve got myself a new batch of kiddies, all bright and shiny with energy to burn […]