Tacky LOVE and a Little Bit of Groundhog
It has been so cold outside lately that I have decided to hibernate a bit. Go to school, come home, walk the dog really quickly around the block. Rinse and repeat. Plus with all the cold in the air, my kids have been dropping like flies(flu bug). Yesterday, by the end of the day I […]

A Little Grammar Freebie
If your kids are anything like mine, they can always use some grammar practice. The 2 words I say most often, in the run of my day, are Be Quiet! capitals and periods! It takes constant reminding. So, I thought I would share with you this Capitalization and Punctuation Activity from my Polar Math and […]

Making Snow Connections
I’m always working on connections. It never stops. This week, we’ve been reading snow stories and connecting with those in every way that we can. I try to start things off slowly cause I’ve discovered, over the years, that making a connection to something we’ve read does not just happen. The foundation has to be […]

Back to School and a Freezin Fact Family Freebie
I went back to school today, well actually yesterday, but it doesn’t really count cause yesterday I was still a free agent. I could come and go as I please, eat whenever I felt like it, go wherever I wanted to go in my school, visit who I wanted to visit. It was kinda like […]