My Work Here is Done and a Few Great Giveaways!
It was my last day of school yesterday and it was truly an emotional day. I connected to my class this year like never before and I’m still not sure why the bond was so strong. I have thought and thought about this and I keep coming back to the same thing, the L word. Probably the most powerful word ever – LOVE. When I first started teaching I was so busy trying to be a good Mommy cause my daughter was so young then and struggling with all the kids who were so needy at school that I could never find the right balance. Now that my daughter is all grown up, the balance has shifted and I connect to my classroom kids in a different way and for the first time in a long time, I just don’t want to give them to the Grade 2 teacher, I want to keep them. I looked around the other morning and they were all so intent on what they were doing. One of them looked up and asked how you spell the word “written” and they all chimed in with the right spelling and then one of them pointed out that you can find that word on just about any story book cover and I had a huge lump in my throat. I have it now while I’m writing this. But I’m happy and proud to hand them over to the next teacher. I truly feel that my work here is done. And in a few months, I will begin again….we’ll see what the next group brings. As always, I am hopeful. Really hopeful cause I am going from having 12 kids to 23 next year. DOUBLE Gulp!
From one emotional story to another, my blogger friend Lisa from Learning is Something to Treasure is having a Kindness of Our Hearts Giveaway on her blog. All donations from this giveaway will go to her friend and 1st grade teammate Kathy. Kathy was severely injured in an accident while towing her beloved horse in a trailer behind her. She is now recovering in the ICU, but sadly her beautiful horse was killed in the crash. For a $20 donation, you get a fabulous bundle of products and at the same time, get to help Kathy and her family. Hoping that she gets well soon. You can check it out on the pic below.
One last Giveaway from my blogger friend Corinna, who is always worth checking out. This is her 300th follower giveaway and it’s huge! Only one more day to enter!
June 22, 2013 @ 6:34 pm
12 kids, wow! I can only imagine the bond you shared and that must be so tough to let those little babies go! I had 23 last year and will have at least that next year too. It's tough but we all just manage to find that special place in our heart for each of them! Happy Summer! Enjoy! ♥
June 25, 2013 @ 10:29 pm
Thanks:) Have a great summer too! Actually the year after I have 23 kids I am back to 12 again, so looking forward to that.
June 25, 2013 @ 10:08 pm
Hi there!! Just found your blog through Pinterest it is so cute!! l love so many of your products and ideas!! What is the font called that you used on your blog? I love it.
June 25, 2013 @ 10:30 pm
Thanks so much, you're sweet. The font is called Shadows in the Light, I love it too:)
June 26, 2013 @ 6:30 am
Thanks for the shout out about my giveaway. I hope you had some new followers?
How did I not know you had only 12 kids!!! WTHeck? Are you in a private school? We have 28-30 kids every year.
I am in love with my "babies," too so I'm keeping them and looping up to 2nd! I know you will love your bigger class, too. 🙂
June 27, 2013 @ 5:32 pm
OH my goodness, you had 12 kids! I had 28 this year! 12 would be a dream!! The end of the year is always the hardest! The last day is so rough!
Your blog is so cute!
Lindsey 🙂 (Check it out- I'm having a Bloglovin giveaway right now!)
June 27, 2013 @ 11:19 pm
I know EXACTLY what you're talking about when you describe that connection with your class! Today was my last day of school and it was so difficult, and so emotional! There was something different about this bunch, and they were hard to say goodbye to! I cannot imagine having a class of 12 kids. This year's was my smallest, I think… 23 in 5th grade! Next year I'm heading to grade 2/3 with 17 kids… gulp! Hoping to recruit some of my 5th graders to be helpers at recess!
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