Some Bunny Loves You and a Place Value Freebie
I’ve been wanting, for a while, to link up with Christina from Bunting Books and Bainbridge for her linky Some Bunny Loves Your Blog.
So, just wanted to honour Corinna at Teaching Fabulous Firsties, she is one of my blogging besties. We both started our blogging journey at the same time and love to help each other out. And I always read her blog and am so impressed with her creations. She knows the Common Core inside out and I’m still learning about it. Whenever I need a little firstie inspiration, she is my go to girl.
Onto a freebie and another link up, this time, I am linking up with Freebielicious for their freebie on the first.
Here is a little Math freebie for ya! You can add it to a Spring Math Center or use it, just on its own. It’s got some place value practice, which all firsties can use. Click on the pic below to download.
Wishing you a great week, especially if you’re on Spring break!
April 1, 2013 @ 3:13 pm
So adorable I had to pin it! Thank you! The kids will love this!
April 1, 2013 @ 5:48 pm
GREAT freebie, Leslie!! Thanks a BUNCH!!!
Hugs – Lisa
Growing Firsties
April 2, 2013 @ 1:50 am
I love the little birdies :). This will really help a couple of my sweeties who are still struggling with place value, thanks !!!!
April 2, 2013 @ 3:32 pm
Love this! Thanks! Amy 🙂
April 3, 2013 @ 1:14 am
Love! Thank you!