Some Solid Math Work and a St. Pat’s Freebie
It was Spring Break for me last week and so this week I am back at school and decided to mix up my Math class a bit and do some shape work with my kids. Actually, the proper word is solids, at least according to the Math program I use. I needed the solids on some sort of card, so that they are always visible with both picture and word.
This unit is really popular with my kids, they love it! And I think it’s because they get to build stuff. I, of course, have to be a drag and make them record each solid they use once they have finished, but other than that, they are totally pumped that they can play with the solids. Who knew this would be so popular? Anyway, tomorrow we are going to try sorting. If any of this solid work is something you can use, just click on either pic to download.
So….onto St. Patrick’s Day Math. Here’s a little freebie for ya – it’s the St. Patrick’s word problems from my Super Math Problem a Day Pack. There are 5 in all, just click on the pic below for the download.
And while, we are on the subject of Math, I just uploaded a new Math Pack to TPT – my Baseball Math Centers, here’s a peek.
It’s a great review of First Grade Math skills! I have a lot of sporty boys (and girls) in my class this year, so I knew they would like these. You can check them out here
That’s it for now, Happy Monday. I’m totally looking forward to how it plays out on The Bachelor tonight!
March 11, 2013 @ 11:41 pm
Everything looks great Leslie! My baseball centres are ready to go, great math activities the kids will love ! Don't you love all the new math lingo….makes me feel a little old ;(
March 12, 2013 @ 12:01 am
Ok after I looked at your post title it made me remember Mod Squad and how Linc used to say "solid", kind of a groovy memory, don't you think ???? Couldn't resist…..
March 12, 2013 @ 12:36 am
You're killing me…The Mod Squad, now that's a blast from the past! Definitely a groovy memory. My groovy actually came from Marsha Brady, remember how she used to say that whenever something was really cool…
March 12, 2013 @ 12:55 am
I LOVE the Brady Bunch and Marsha, Marsha, Marsha
March 18, 2013 @ 7:19 pm
Great packet! Love your work!