The Terry Fox Run

This past Thursday was the Terry Fox run at my school. For those who don’t know, Terry Fox is a Canadian hero. In 1980, he started a Marathon of Hope in the great province of Newfoundland, with the intention of running all the way across Canada. All this, with one good leg and one amputated leg, in an effort to raise awareness and money for cancer survivors like him.  He finished his run in Ontario, when the cancer came back, this time in his lungs. He eventually lost his fight against cancer. You can read more about him by clicking on his picture below.
So, every September in Canada, we remember and honour Terry Fox through the Terry Fox run and donations to his fund. I work in a fairly small school, so last year we raised about $3000. This year, we are hoping for $4000 and if we reach it, the High School students get to slushie the teachers. It’s all in fun and gives kids an incentive to reach their goal. Here are some of my runners.
And here are some of them, in action…
All for a great cause.