Two Great Giveaways and What’s in your Cart Linky
Hi all
I want to just let you know about some fab giveaways that 2 great blogger friends of mine are having! The first is Corrina from Teaching Fabulous Firsties. You have the chance to win great products from all her featured stores. My Super Math Pack is one of them. It has been photocopied 15 times for my students and separated and is now lying all over the basement floor waiting for me to organize and put it into binders for my kids. Trying to get a headstart, but I digress, you can check Corrina’s Giveaway out here
I want to just let you know about some fab giveaways that 2 great blogger friends of mine are having! The first is Corrina from Teaching Fabulous Firsties. You have the chance to win great products from all her featured stores. My Super Math Pack is one of them. It has been photocopied 15 times for my students and separated and is now lying all over the basement floor waiting for me to organize and put it into binders for my kids. Trying to get a headstart, but I digress, you can check Corrina’s Giveaway out here
The 2nd Giveaway is Kelly at First Grade Fairytales! She is giving away a $25 gift certificate from TPT. We could all use that. Check her out here
And since TPT is having their big sale this weekend, I want to share with you all the great stuff that is in my cart! This is a linky from Cassandra at Adventures in Room 5
So, here is my cart
This is such a great pack, there is so much clip art for so many different subjects – I love it!
Speaking of love, I love Laura’s Read and Write the room! This one is for all the short vowels, it has amazing graphics and I am looking forward to using it.
I love this! You know when you have all those unifix cubes in your class and you look at them and think Gosh, I just wish I had simple practical fun activities to use with these. This unit has all that and more. It has everything!!!
And then, last but not least is this Smartboard calendar. I am so happy to have this. I already had one but it wasn’t extensive enough. This one goes into much greater detail and I adore it. You can click on the pictures to visit each of these amazing products.
So that’s my cart folks. Don’t forget the Giveaways from those sweet ladies Corinna and Kelly.

August 13, 2012 @ 3:07 am
Thanks for being a part of my giveaway and post about my giveaway! I hope you get some new visitors to your site. 🙂
August 14, 2012 @ 6:04 pm
I'm your newest follower. I absolutely love your blog!! Stop by and visit my blog when you have a chance.
August 16, 2012 @ 2:09 am
Thanks for helping out with my Giveaway!! I just need your email:)
Mine is
1…2…3…Teach With Me
Dots of Fun! Clip Art
August 17, 2012 @ 3:53 am
Congrats on reaching 100! I am your newest follower. Love the grooviness :)I have also nominated you for a few awards, so if you get a chance stop by and pick them up.
Enchanted with Technology
August 25, 2012 @ 9:10 pm
I love your blog and glad I found it. I have found some great ideas to use with my class. Im your newest follower. Below is a link to my blog.
Flying Into First Grade