Wordless Wednesday:Finding Time to Organize
So, I’m linking up with my friend Christina at Second Grade Sugar and Spice today for her Wordless Wednesday Linky.
Without another word, here it is…
Need I say more? This is one of my drawers. Finally fixed it and I feel so much better.
Is there something in your classroom that you’ve been wanting to organize?
I wish you a great Wednesday.
April 9, 2014 @ 10:51 am
That looks great! I need to organize my closet – its gotten so bad when I open the door I'm afraid something will fall out. Maria
April 9, 2014 @ 12:11 pm
I have a CORNER of my room that SCARES me! This summer…project #1! I know, one project at a time! Wendy 1stgradefireworks@gmail.com 1stgradefireworks
April 9, 2014 @ 1:03 pm
I actually just organised the paper shelf in the big storage cupboard I have it my classroom. It was a mess, and it feels so much better knowing it is neat and tidy now!
Luck's Little Learners
April 9, 2014 @ 8:51 pm
I need to organize my papers that we have used back into their correct folders. The tray is getting out of control! 🙂
A Rocky Top Teacher
April 10, 2014 @ 1:11 am
My construction paper. In previous years I sorted it by color and put in in drawers. In my new classroom I never found the time. It's definately happening next year!